You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.10. MAINTENANCE Menu: System Maintenance > 1.10.2. Maintenance - Edit Company > Edit Company - Edit - General Ledger Config > Edit - General Ledger Config - Distribution Interface > Configuring T Accounts > Debtors Payments
Debtors Payments

The Debtors Payments group of fields on the Config T Accounts screen allows you to flag debtor (customer) payment transactions with additional information so you can extract sub-sets of the data for GL reports.

To complete the Debtors Payments fields:

  1. Open the Config T Accounts screen.

Refer to "Configuring T Accounts".

Micronet displays the Debtors Payments fields.

  1. Complete the following fields:





T1 Account

Select the primary flag for debtor (customer) payment transactions. Options are:

  • None - use the T1 account set on the GL interface record in the GL Interface master file (refer to "Edit - Debtors")
  • Debtor - use the T1 account set on the Debtor master file (refer to the GL Interface field under "File - Debtor - Debtor")
  • Warehouse - use the T1 account set on the Warehouse master file (refer to the GL Interface field under "File - Warehouse - Warehouse")
  • Sales Territory - use the T1 account set on the Sales Territory master file (refer to the GL Interface field under "Adding a New Sales Territory").



Technical Tip

As there is no header or lines on these transactions, only the T1 account applies.

  1. Complete the remaining fields on the Config T Accounts screen.